Little E in her sweatsuit
These girls don't even need me
H's curls
When H's told to "smile":
What E and I are up against ALL. DAY. LONG.
Czar Ellie
My cousin Heather (London) and her hubby Mike stayed with us when Rachelle (Heather's older sister) and hubby Dave finalized Jackson's adoption. Mike is attending U of Georgia for his PhD in Economics (correct me if I'm wrong Heath). It was so fun to see them!
Aunt Heather and Jackson
Da guys (Dave, Nate doing dishes, poor thing, and Mike)
Heather, Rachelle, Jackson
And the reason for the season: J-MAN. He is the cutest little guy - no seriously - THE cutest. So full of smiles and just so content to be wherever with whomever. Jackson will be sealed to Rachelle and Dave Oct 17! SO happy for them! (Funny story, Rachelle and Dave adopted Jackson from South Carolina when Ellie was about 3 weeks old and my mom was back visiting us. She said, "Who would have thought I'd be in North Carolina visiting my 2nd granddaughter and meet up with my 2 nieces (Rachelle and Liisa) who I used to babysit from Morgan UT and their families?" It is a small small world. Have a great day!!!!!