Thursday, February 21, 2008

Anniversary #3!

I think Nate would agree that we've come a long way in 3 years! For instance, ummm...we have a child now, there's pretty much nothing that embarrasses us about each other, we know what pillow(s) each prefers, etc. It's nice to be at that level of comfort in our marriage. The thing that has surprised me about being married to Nate is how much it has changed me... for the better. I thought you got married and just settled into a rather complacent bliss. Like driving on the interstate in North Dakota - steady, straight,... progressing but no need to stare at the road in front of you. I didn't realize the growth and change that this relationship was to offer me. Three years later, I can honestly say I'm a different person, inwardly. I have to thank Heavenly Father (can you do this through a blog?) for exposing me to an individual who has met my unfolded weaknesses, unexpectedly, with unconditional love and acceptance. To be honest, Nate's humility and kindness have taken me by pleasant surprise.
Okay, enough mush. On Tues, we picked up Nate in Redwing and went out to eat in downtown Minneapolis. You'll see we took Hannah along. Romantic huh? Well, Nate figured since I'd just sit and worry about her and want to go home, we'd just bring her along so we could enjoy ourselves. Even though she behaved perfectly, I think we'll try it sans children next year. What's a trip to the Twin Cities without IKEA? LOVE THAT PLACE! I think it was the best anniversary yet, but I can see myself saying that every year.
And if any of you readers were among the brave attendees to our less-than-tropical February Minnesota wedding, my heart is forever grateful for your efforts to make this day so special for us!! THANK YOU!

Hannah's favorite toy from IKEA. Why does she get the toy on our anniversary?


  1. you guys are so cute. Mark and Iwould take Kensi with us too, no worries. Where did you get that little rubber chair that she is sitting in I want one of those. I am so glad that you are so happy I love tohear about happy couples all of the failing relationships get old. It is nice to hear love stories.

  2. Hey Jess, got the chair at Target. It's a Boppy and actually had a safety recall but we love it. Hannah started wanting to sit UP, so this was perfect. Kensi is so cute I can't even stand it. I see both of you in her. When do you go back to work :(

  3. Sorry Jess, it's a BUMBO chair (not boppy)

  4. Doesn't Hannah make such 'Nate' expressions? Esp. that last picture. What a darling baby girl! and you guys look so happy!
