Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"I wish I had _____" mode

Sometimes, I look around and feel like everyone's life is more glamorous than mine. I start to think "oh if only I had ____ or could do _____." I hate the way thinking like that makes me feel. It yields an ungrateful attitude and puts me in a bad mood. I could be a very materialistic person if I let myself and I think Satan really tries to prey on this weakness to make me unhappy. My mom sent me this book for Mother's Day. It's by Gordon B. Hinckley and it is so beautiful and uplifting. It's my kind of book - one that you can read and focus one page a day. So, whenever I start to go into my "I wish I had _____" mode, I will pick up this book and read a few pages and center myself around things in life that actually matter and make me truly happy. Thank you so much Mom!


  1. Sounds like an awesome book. I will have to look into getting myself one.

  2. I read that book as well and love it! It is so nice to hear that other people go through the same thing. I do that mnore than I should thanks for the wonderful reminder that we are daughters of our heavenly father and that is what matters most! I love the slide show as well. It is so good to see your fam
