I'm 28! And quickly cascading down the downhill side to 3-0. My birthday was great! When the girls woke up, Nate said,"Hannah, did you wish mommy a happy birthday?" Hannah stuck out her bottom lip and said, "be Hannah's birthday soon." Poor little dear wanted it to be her birthday. LOL. Two great friends took me out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. With our kids (some missing) we were a table for 8, including 3 high chairs. We had a group stop by and tell us we were the "most courageous people in the restaurant." Of course Hannah had to bite Ellie's fingers and make her scream, limiting me to eating 1/2 my delicious omelet/hash browns/grits/biscuits breakfast. Sad. Lots of phone calls and emails and well wishers made the day go really quite fast.
For me, each year has gotten better and better. I've never felt this grateful or content in my whole life. I'm more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been and it feels wonderful. I've identified the things/people that make me happy and the ones that don't and I'm not trying to be anything I'm not. Ahhhhhhh. I've come up with an "Ash's Top 28" if you will; things I've come across and learned from in all my 28 years. Some serious, some not. I know some are mundane sayings that you hear all the time, but each one has real meaning to me...I could have put a paragraph...or 7 behind many of them but figured we both had better things to do. Again, some of these things are very basic. Don't judge, I'm a slow learner.
It also didn't take me long to realize that there needs to be a completely separate list for "Things learned from having kids". Maybe next year. So, with no further ado I give you Ash's Top 28 Lessons Learned:
28 -It is impossible to love anyone or anything else without first loving yourself.
27 -There will never been enough money so learn to live within your means. Today.
26 - By definition, sin is separation from God. So, the person who has a teeny tiny imperfection and the person with mountain of sins of the worst nature are in the exact same boat. We are all temporarily separated from our Heavenly Father, period.
25 -You cannot draw water from an empty well.
24 -Ask for Heavenly Fathers help, even if you think He is rolling his eyes thinking it ridiculous.
23 -A deep meaningful conversation with a friend about the real issues in your life once a year is much more beneficial than endless everyday "small talk" interactions.
22 -It's never too early (or too late) to learn the importance of saying "I'm sorry." Oh, and meaning it.
21 - The things we judge in other are often the very things we hate about ourselves.
20 - The 3 (and only) things you can justify spending good money on are: makeup, perfume, and baby wipes. C'mon, when is the last time you used that last drop of foundation or last crystal of eye shadow?
19 -It's impossible to dye you hair back to it's natural hair color.
18 -The idea is not to bend the gospel of Jesus Christ to fit your style. You change yourself to conform to it's every simple, succinct teachings.
17 - On the same note, you should not pick and choose which gospel principles you'll live. That is not how it works. It's all or nothing.
16 - Constantly living for the future = unhappiness, ungratefulness, regret.
15 -I loathe even a hint of drama. It makes me cringe. Always has, always will. People, shut up and do your thing.
14 -semi sweet choc chips make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
13 -The expectation of getting something for nothing is crippling.
12 -Now days, it takes more courage to conform to traditional norms than to head down the self-serving path of insubordination.
10 -The best way to clean out the fridge shelves is in the bathtub.
9 - "...if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all."
8 -The m&ms in the small bag taste much better than the large bag.
7 -There is no point in paying money for "work out" clothes
6 -It is impossible to be honest with others without first being honest with yourself.
5 -having a short sleek bob haircut is just not in the cards for some...like me. It's okay.
4 -A good listener is worth her weight in GOLD. 99% of people, albeit inadvertently, steer all conversation right back around to themselves. Drives me nuts.
3 - love is NOT telling somebody what they want to hear.
2 -When it comes right down to it, 70% of people think they are an exception to the rule. You do NOT want to be one of these people. (Think about this one and its unending behavioral implications).
1 -Unhealthy social behaviors are people trying to compensate for their own lack of self esteem.
Lastly and most applicable/life altering:
*****If it doesn't affect YOU and YOUR personal eternal salvation, LET. IT. GO.
So, what are your top three lessons learned?
My very own little beater-lickers:
H with her new coat/purse combo from Nannah and Wal-mart game face.
I love you Ash! Thank you so much for your top 28. Everyone needs a top 28 (or 32) to live by. They really hit home, thank you for that. You really are an inspiring person. Pretty much, you rock.
ReplyDeleteI love this! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteMy top three:
1) My value comes from God, not my friends, family, accomplishments, good deeds, bad deeds, failures or victories. That was a biggie!
2) Just do it! My dreams and goals will forever be waiting unless I just go for it. There will never be a perfect time for anything- I just gotta go for it.
3) Love never, ever, ever fails. Like really. Who knew!? It is the single saving grace of my life. Love.
and coffee. love and coffee.
You girls are so adorable. I can't wait for interaction between Eden and baby girl. I loved reading your thoughts. You're much smarter for your 28 years than I am for my 30+!
ReplyDeleteAsh- I love your top 28. Your girls are adorable, they look just like their mommy!
ReplyDeleteGreat life lessons.. Hope you keep post in your mind, so 28 years down the road you can show your kids. You have so much happiness in your life.. Thats something to be proud of. Happy 28..
ReplyDeleteWow! What a powerful and insightful list. :)
ReplyDeleteI love your list. Who needs self-help/ inspirational books when I have your blog to read? You are wise beyond your young 28 years. oh, and your girls are sooo darling.