Zoo 2010 for Hannah's birthday. Pretty much we just brought them a few extra monkeys.
By the time we got to the koala bear, Ellie's (whose shoes were forgotten) big toe was bleeding all over, Jocelyn was screaming, and all Birthday Girl wanted to do was go on the dadgum carousel (for which we had no cash for tickets), Daddy decided to plunk down on the bench and take a breather...only to realize much to his dismay that yes, indeed, that "crack" he felt/heard upon sitting was our camera screen being smashed in his back pocket. That about "didder" and we headed to destination B: the Columbia, South Carolina temple. Nate got a pretty good shot considering our visionless camera.
And here's Hannah June on her 3rd Birthday! And doesn't she look athrill folks? Poor thing was as sick as she's ever been (yes, she even experienced her first fever) on Sunday Oct 24. But don't you fret nor frown because by the time her par-tay rolled around that evening, she was back in action. Nothing like a sugar/presents induced frenzy to rouse your immune system. Pics of that event forthcoming (Thanks Natalie). Really, it is so odd to think I have a child old enough to be in primary. Nate and I were just newlyweds guys....er, was that another life? I really can't remember. Come to think of it I only remember bits and pieces of my pathetic life before Hannah not to mention before Nate. Ugh, and who wouldn't want to clear their memory card of those game-playing single days. Ahem, anywho, back to the present. Hannah gives us a run for our money in the control department but she is smart and sweet (with everyone accept Ellie Walbruch) and gets along quite well on very little, sporadic attention from her frazzled mother. (I was at work the other night and Nate told the 2 older girls to sit down and be quiet because he was going to feed Jocelyn. To which Hannah promptly lifted up her shirt and replied, "you can't feed Jocelyn Daddy, you don't have "buttons" LOL!!!) She is our one and only firstborn and hold a special place in my heart. My favorite things about Hannah right now are:
When she sits down and conducts FHE with Ellie in their room
How she loves getting her finger nails painted
That the girl will do pert near anything for candy or a popsicle
How she can repeat books and songs word for word
That she is always willing to "run upstairs and grab _____ for me" or "sing a little song to Jocelyn while mommy takes Ellie to the potty" or "help Ellie put her clothes in her dresser."
Enjoy y'all!