Monday, April 13, 2009

First East Coast Easter Sunday

1. Everyone but mom with colds = snot, bulb syringes, and kleenex EVERYWHERE.
2. Sat night, I'm supposed to get off at 11 p.m. I get home at 1:00 a.m., feed Ellie, She wakes at 4:00 and 7:00. Nate is sick. No nap for mom. Very tired on Easter.
2. I was excited to wear an actual dress to church and I just knew that the one I chose (V-necked) would work for feeding Ellie after Sacrament Meeting. I figured I could just pull it to the side. Nope. So, I end up feeding her in the car in the church parking lot with my whole dress pulled up. Wow.
3. For the split second that I turn and tell Nate to look at cute little Hannah folding her arms and saying "men, men, men" to the sacrament prayer, she slips through the back of the metal folding chair and cracks her head on the gym floor. Nice.
4. Ellie loves her binky and it is a life-saver. But what did we forget on Easter Sunday? Yep.
5. On the verge of tears, I ask Nate to take us home. Then he goes back to teach his Elders Quorum lesson. I just about load everybody up and go back because I feel so guilty for leaving church early just because I'm a little tired. I'm sure the Savior was a "little tired" that night in Gethsemane.
6. Not one bit of candy in this whole house. What IS this? Easter you say? I end up cracking open a bag of chocolate chips.

Not how I would have pictured Easter this year but hey...
We actually took a nice walk last evening and had our first Walbruch Family Easter Devotional. This THIS video is what it's all about. I love it so much. Pics to come. Family pictures cancelled (as we're on our way out the door) on account of rain.


  1. O Sad! I'm so sorry. Hope everyone gets feeling better soon and mom gets a nap! Gotta tell ya - the nursing story is pretty funny and brings back crazy memories!

  2. make me laugh! I love to see that other families have crappy days too. We have more than our fair share and I see all these other perfect little families that seem to just take it all in stride. GET REAL! When ya have kids, the crap usually hits the fan ALL at once. Love ya!

  3. Days like that make you grateful for all others right? I hope everyine is feeling better!

  4. Sounds like a story that I would have to tell. Kids definitely can complicate even what you think are "foolproof" plans. At least it was a memorable day.
