Thursday, February 11, 2010

You're cooperation?

For the sake of my well-being, my quest to assuage the heat of the summer has February. It is in this matter of utmost importance that I BEG your help! PLEASE - answer (comment)me this: what kind of garments keep you the coolest? And don't tell me DriSilque because they're a no-go for me. Since getting married I've worn the cotton-poly jersey tops (no problems there) and the Carinessa bottoms, which I have loved the spandexy fit, but I KNOW they are not the coolest. In fact I daresay they are the most sweltering. I am willing to compromise their great fit for a cooler material. I've heard snippets here and there that the "Nylon mesh" is the coolest? How about the Dri-lux jersey? Anyone tried those? The website "says" they're both for hot/humid climates?
I hope no one is offended at me asking this personal information. But I mean, at almost $3 a pop, I'm hardly willing to order a bunch, wait the 6 weeks, only to find out my quest for coolness must continue. Comprende? Thanks y'all!


  1. I have the Carinessa ones... I'm totally with you on the whople sweltering thing. I can't wait ot see what people say because I'm dying in mine too!

  2. Gosh! I have some serious catching up to do on your blog...well done, Ash!
    Okay. Now. Living in OK I have the same issues so here is what I think is the best....for me. The mesh is really great. I love it and wear it in the tops. But I have to say I still wear the carinessa on the bottoms. I can't STAND any other material that I've tried because it either bunches or rides up my leg, or rolls up my leg, blah blah. So I will just deal with the smoltering on the lower half, I guess. There you go, now you know what kind of undies I wear! :) Good luck!

  3. I have found for me that I also did not like the drisilque in the summer I felt like they stick way too much and I have never liked the Nylon Mesh period because they don't move with you they might be a little cooler but Cant do it! as for the good ol cotton they may not be the coolest but they absorb better than any of them sounds silly but I hate sweaty feeling underneath the garments and I just figure cotton must be the best because you look at all types of clothing and cotton is just the lightest and the best to wear! so that is what I wear in the dead of heat! I havent been in that hot of weather but I have been in humid weather in china and the cotton was all I could do! so let me know how the reaserch goes!

  4. Here's my experience in that department...
    Carinessa bottoms are great for the fit, but super hot in the summer. DriSilque is the best I've found. Still not ideal, but I tried the dri-lux last year because it says it's for hot and humid, Definate NO-GO for me. I was picturing something like a nice silky breathable workout type materal. It felt just the same as the cotton to me, hot, sticky, bunchy, thick. Ugh.
    I've also tried the nylon mesh, and the only reason why I dont' use it all the time is that it isn't "stretchy" like the drisilque is. It is pretty cool in the heat though, and definatley breathes better. I would just recommend buying the tops in a size larger, so you still have that stretchy feel. I tell Nathan every year I'm going to write a letter to beehive clothing and suggest they move to OK and wear the garments, and THEN maybe they will make some that are truely breathable. Is this comment long enough for you? :)

  5. i like the carinessa bottoms and they aren't hot on me, or maybe i don't think about it. i do think the drysilk tops are cool but they do slip off the shoulder. my friend served her mission in venezuela where it's hot a humid and she adores the mesh ones. so there you go. the girls are so cute! miss you guys!

  6. Lovin it girls. Keep em coming. I'm thinking mesh maybe?

  7. Hope you got it all figured out. :) Loved the Bumble B birthday party! Good job, Momma! Your gals are growing up too fast!

  8. Just let them wear out long enough so they are paper thin and that solves all your problems! :)
