Friday, October 24, 2008

Why hadn't I posted this earlier?

DISCLAIMER: All you moms out there know that when it comes to babies, especially newborns, YOU DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. That being said, here's what I have found most helpful:

My testimony of this book is just about as strong as my testimony of the 4 Standard Works. Kidding but it's definitely worth a try. It's called "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo. I read it before Hannah was born and we tried really hard to stick to it. Although slightly extreme in some areas (like letting your newborn cry for 45 minutes at a time - um, no), the two principles I tried really hard to stick to from about 2 weeks old were:

1. Breastfeeding Hannah right when she woke up, every 2.5 - 3 hours (never before putting her down) and yes, if it had been 3 hours since she last ate and she was still sound asleep, I WOKE HER UP (completely ludacris in my mom's book)

2. Keeping her awake for at least 30 minutes after she ate (so hard sometimes).

By 4 weeks, she had put herself on the most wonderful schedule: She ate, stayed awake for 30 minutes or so, then was put down while awake - sleepy but not OUT (no feeding, rocking, singing, binkie, swing, no "soothing" of any kind - just laid her down, darkened the room, and shut the door) and slept for 2 hours. Over and over as she slowly prolonged the amount of time that she slept at night (I would not wake her at night, only during the day). By 7 weeks, she knew exactly how to go to sleep and was sleeping 6 hours at night. 1 year later, weaning the bottle is working like a charm, (I believe) much to this book's credit.

Anyway, not a huge fan of routine myself, this book probably saved my family's life. Also, it will def help out when there are two babies in this house. Hopefully it works as well with girly #2 as it did with Hannah. Good luck all of us!


  1. Can I just tell you how much I loved this bppk and what amazing s;eepers all three of my kiddos are and have been since like 6 weeks old! Awesomeness right there!!

  2. I also loved this book. However I was reading it out of desperation when collicy Eden was 3-4 months old - too late!

  3. That is so great thanks for the advise 11 months late. Kensi was a great sleeper for a while now that has got bad again. I wonder if I could start it now anyway I love rocking kensi too There was a while in which she would not let me rock her and I missed it. Bonding time I guess anyway we will give it a try.
