Thursday, July 16, 2009

"For if they never should have bitter they could not know the sweet"

We've officially been North Carolinians for 1 year. When I think of that last year, a number of emotions come to mind. It had it's fair share of challenges, that's for sure. So, for journaling sake, here's a light recap 0f July 08 - July 09.
We had been under the impression that the sale price of our house would leave us comfortable for at least several months...well, long story short: we walked away from closing with barely anything. Then the moving company was almost twice what they had quoted us. Nice. I had actually flown down and interviewed for a job that I ended up feeling very uncomfortable with for some reason, and ended up turning down. So, dead broke and no income for 2 months. Oh, and 4 months pregnant. What do you do? I'm not going to lie, it was a awful. I will never forget trying to pay our bills but being $12 in the hole. Scary? I think I just cried. Additional mishaps included: losing everyone's social security cards and birth certificates in the move, which I went ahead and capitalized on by losing my wallet. Whole new set of issues. High temperatures and humidity, our small, dark, cramped apartment reeked of nasty cigarette smoke - the kind that is saturated in the carpet and walls. We had dogs next door and 24/7 partying Mexicanos above us. One car, which I would take and pick up Nate from school. Words can't begin to describe the horror of our home-buying process over the next 4 months. Getting financing was obviously problematic for various reasons I won't drone on about. Then looking, visiting, making offers, being "out-offered" on 5 different houses...all with little Hannah in tow. Okay, ENOUGH. This is making me depressed just writing it. Really, I'm not one to complain and I only do so to point out how much we've been blessed. Hence the title of this post. (At the risk of sounding completely spoiled, I do fully realize there are so many in world in MUCH worse circumstances that above described)

- Numerous miracles - complete financial miracles happened that kept us afloat. Whether it was random money from some dental work I had over paid for or a check for the last-half-of-the-year home insurance, we kept getting these little monies out of nowhere. I never knew $50 could give so much relief and renewed faith.

- Our marriage has been strengthened SO much. It has just taken us to a whole new level. We had to dig deep, learned to really communicate every issue with and rely on each other , and put faith into action. Clinging to the scriptures and praying daily gave us so much peace. Nate kept everything in perspective and kept me calm. I gained so much respect for him. I appreciated him much more, criticized less, and forgave faster. Laughter and humor got us through. Our day in and day out struggle and effort matured our relationship so much. Nate was and is, without a doubt, my destined eternal companion.

- Where there is a will, there's a way. When all the odds were stacked against us and we kept running into wall after wall after wall, we just refused to give up. Even when it would've been easier. What better way to learn patience than to be in a situation where you are giving 110% and getting nowhere.

- I have developed a more humble attitude and really, I don't think there is any other way the Lord could have taught me humility. I'd never really had to go without. I'd never made myself live on any type of budget really. I've a new appreciation for "things." Going without new clothes, make-up, shoes, aka CRAP, for a while didn't hurt me AT ALL. I now make very few impulse purchases and treasure the fun things I do get. I waste less. It is so nice to feel grateful, content, and in control.

- An attitude of humility, in turn, has made me much happier, loving, teachable person. It is so liberating to refuse to see anything but good in people. Now I can't stand gossip or any criticism of others period. What a welcome blessing!

- 365 days later, I wake up in our house with no blinds, broken towel racks, mismatched furniture, little "decor" to speak of, a "yard" that could easily be mistaken for the Serengeti, etc, and I am thrilled. Thrilled to be out of that apartment. Thrilled that this house is ours. That the girls can play all day in it. Thrilled that is smells nice (most of the time), thrilled that it is in a nice quiet little neighborhood. The list goes on - you get my point. I wake up to 2 healthy little girls that I love so much. We have 2 cars - a fabulous minivan, nonetheless and Nate and I both have jobs that we love. WE HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED. Are we rich? Ummm, no. But wealthy beyond wildest imagination in things that cannot be measured.

A huge thank you to all our family and friends who continued to support and encourage. Your help has not gone unnoticed and is SO appreciated!
Not that I want to repeat that last year, but it's true what Nephi says: we must taste the bitter to prize the good. Thank you to my Heavenly Father who knows me so perfectly that He is willing to refine me over and over and over. All for my happiness. His only purpose: our happiness.


  1. wow for some reason I totally bawled while reading this you have an amazing strength and you have set an incredible example for me thank you so much for all that you have done for us espicially your friendship we love you guys and miss you!!

  2. This also made me tear up because it exactly what I needed right now. Moving and not finding a job has been kind of rough but it is good to remember that others have gone through the same thing in the same way with faith and trust in the Lord. Thanks for your awesome example and love! Hopefully we'll come see y'all soon:)

  3. Ashes, you are awesome! (so is Nate) We love you. Your happy outlook on life makes me a better person. We should all be so appreciative of the blessings we recieve daily from the Lord. You are an inspiration.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your story of life, it was refreshing and yet made me cry. I can't really explain it but I needed that today.

  5. ALL you girls know how much I love you! Really didn't intend to make everyone cry but I'm so glad you identified with the situation. BE STRONG!

  6. A-S-H-L-E-Y, I love you girl! Sure wish you were just a short drive away. I'd love to have you visit! Keep the family spirit alive in NC for me! You are an amazing person! I want video when H-A-N-N-A-H starts to spell her name:)

  7. What a beautiful post! It seems like I'm going to say what everyone else is going to say, but I think I needed to read that. For some reason I feel a bit more hopeful. We should get together sometime!

  8. You're so awesome. I had no idea all this had gone on for you guys. I'm glad your out of the dark moments and basking in the sunshine. I love the way you put things in perspective. Thanks for sharing.

  9. thanks for this post Ashley - how blessed we are by our families and children! (yours especially because they are little angels!)
