Saturday, July 17, 2010


At a moment's notice, I have at least 15 girlfriends in my life who I could call for help with my kids, hair color opinions, positive chit-chat, auto emergencies, craft advice, gospel discussion, breastfeeding dilemmas, emotional breakdown, or career advice. I have never been surrounded by so many women that I absolutely idolize. These same women were kind enough to drop everything going in their busy personal/family lives on a Sat morning to celebrate WM3 (Walbruch Munchkin #3)with me. I, for one, had a super fun time (it started with working 4 hours the night before...not all night:)...the food was delish (you've GOT to try these), the girl time thoroughly enjoyed, and the gifts spot-on! Thank you a million times to Molly for hosting in your beautiful home, and Emily, Shanda, Sharon, and whoever else brought food, etc. My only hope is to raise these girls of ours to be strong, beautiful, virtuous women like y'all (Finding myself using that word quite often now)!

L to R: Shanda,Michelle,moi,Natalie,Tricia,Sharon,Molly,Emily & Stella (not seen), Vickie, and Juliana (photographer)

So bright and sooooooooo scrumptious

~Michelle, me in all my chubby glory, Natalie~

Check out the adorable crib bedding I got! It's even cuter in person and I can't wait to paint the room and get everything ready! I love these last few weeks when it starts to get R-E-A-L!

And to top it all off, I come home to napping husband and kiddos and a spotless house. It's a fabulous day folks!


  1. What a wonderful blessing to have all those amazing women in your life! I do love the bedding and know it will look even more adorable in the room after you decorate it!

  2. Very cute bedding! I love the end of the pregnancy. It's such an exciting time.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the crib bedding. Where is it from? Seriously one of the cutest sets I've seen.
    Fun and good friends are the best!

  4. Lucky girl! What an awesome day. Adorable bedding. You must show pics when you're done.

  5. Hi...just had a moment to check my own blog and found your link!! You have been blogging for a long time. We will have to compare notes!! The shower was so fun and to post what your gifts looked like is fantastic. That is the cutest bedding ensemble ever!!! Absolutely adorable. My deepest wishes go with you has you prepare to give birth...may it be a healthy and spiritual experience. Sharon
